We are in love with Tuscany, its history, its culture, its landscapes, its climate. We are in love with our land and its traditions, its knowing how to live, its ability not to take itself too seriously. We are in love with our region and its food!
In Europe and in the world the desire and the need to eat well and the attention to health linked to food are increasingly growing. Tuscan food and wine play an important role within the Mediterranean diet, recognized as the healthiest diet in the world and we have set ourselves the goal to bring Tuscan excellence in all homes ... wherever they are.
As new adventure companions we offer you the possibility of having Tuscan food and wine excellences on your tables very quickly by offering typical products from companies that put quality research at the center of their mission.
Ours is more than just a business proposal, it is the desire to make you immerse in our traditions and in our culture, certain that you will be fascinated and increasingly eager to know it and enjoy . Get on board, the journey has begun!